Tests A-Z

Leading edge pathology conducted by a dedicated team of highly trained, skilled and specialised scientists

Tests A-Z

We provide a repertoire of over 650 routine and specialist laboratory tests to support the diagnosis and treatment of patients in all settings. Our state-of-the-art laboratory provides leading edge diagnostic services conducted by highly trained, skilled and specialised scientific staff. All of our laboratory tests where appropriate are UKAS accredited to international standards (ISO15189:2012) which specifies essential quality management system requirements. We pride ourselves in delivering the most technologically advanced and accurate test results within a rapid timeframe.

Haemoglobinopathy/Thalassaemia Screen


Haemophilus Influenzae B (HiB Antibodies, Functional Antibodies)


Haptoglobin Levels

Hb A1c – Glycated Haemoglobin

HbA1c – Boronate Affinity

HbS Quantitation

Helicobacter pylori Faecal Antigen Test

Helicobacter pylori Gastric Biopsy

HEP 2 Antigen Blot (SS-A, SS-B, Sm, RNP, SCL-70, JO-1, PM-SCL, CENT B, CENT C, AMA-M2, RIB-P, RO52)

Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia ( HIT ) Screen

Heparin Ratio

Hepatitis A IgM

Hepatitis A IgM ( HAV IgM, Hep A IgM )

Hepatitis A Total Antibody (HAV AB, HAV IgG)

Hepatitis B confirmation

Hepatitis B core Antibody (HBc Ab)

Hepatitis B core IgM (HBc IgM)

Hepatitis B DNA (HBV Viral load, Hepatitis B viral load)

Hepatitis B Resistance

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg, Hep B Screen)

Hepatitis C (HCV) Genotyping

Hepatitis C (HCV) Antibody

Hepatitis C confirmation

Hepatitis C PCR / HCV Viral Load

Hepatitis C viral load

Hepatitis D serology

Hepatitis E PCR

Hepatitis E Serology (HEV)

Hepatitis G serology

Herceptin HER2 Testing

Herpes Simplex Type Specific Serology

Hexosamine A/B Deficiency

HFE Haemochromatosis genetics

HHV 6 and 7 Serology

HHV PCR (6, 7 or 8)

HIB Serology

High Sensitivity C Reactive Protein (hsCRP)

High sensitivity Troponin T

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza ( HPAI ) ( Avian Flu ) ( H5N1 )

Histone Antibodies

Histopathology (Surgical Specimens)

Histoplasma Serology


HIV Confirmation

HIV Resistance

HIV Screen (HIV1 HIV2, HIV Ag/Ab)

HIV Therapeuttic Drug Monitoring

HIV Viral Loads



Homocysteine and Methionine

HSV Immunity (HSV IgG Herpes Simplex Virus Serology)


HTLV I and II Serology

Human Anti-Mouse Antibodies, HAMA

Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin / LDH

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

Hydatid Serology