Quality Assurance
Leading edge pathology conducted by a dedicated team of highly trained, skilled and specialised scientists
Quality Assurance
Quality is paramount at Sheffield Laboratory Medicine, and we fully understand the need for all of our service users to feel fully assured that the service we deliver is of the highest quality. Sheffield Laboratory Medicine was rated as ‘Outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission in 2018.
We are a UKAS accredited medical laboratory No. 8491, 9805, 8508, 8509, 8494, testing laboratory No. 1837.
Our full compliance ensures that we subscribe to accredited External Quality Assurance (EQA) schemes for all our tests where they are available or an alternative if there is no EQA scheme.
Summaries of EQA performance can be provided to assure prospective users of our continued high quality service. Our policy is to apply for extensions to scope for all new tests as they are added to the repertoires.
Our Quality Assurance Team provides operational leadership, oversight and clinical governance to ensure the highest quality standards are maintained. We have an open and transparent culture, and actively encourage feedback from both staff and service users to inform our future plans.
“I must take this opportunity to thank Sheffield Immunology for their support and the quality of service we have received. This has significantly improved the service for our patients over the past 2 years. We approached Sheffield at a time when we needed a fast resolution and have been grateful for your team’s responsiveness throughout this period. Very many thanks for all your help and support.” Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS FT |
A full list of all accredited tests provided is detailed in each of our laboratories’ Schedules of Accreditation which can be found on the UKAS website by searching accredited organisations. |
If you would like to know more about how we can help you, please contact us by telephone on 0114 226 6606 or email us at sth.labmed@nhs.net