Leading edge pathology conducted by a dedicated team of highly trained, skilled and specialised scientists
Our Virology Team offer a wide range of diagnostic and reference services to NHS Trusts, Private Laboratories, Primary Care and Community Services locally and further afield. Sheffield Laboratory Medicine is an active member of both the South Yorkshire Virology Network and National Clinical Virology Network. We offer a wide range of clinical and technical expertise through our on-site Consultant Virologists and Scientific Staff. Where urgent clinical advice is required out-of-hours we run provide on-call services. We offer an out of hours testing service for Blood Borne Virus testing associated with needle stick Injury.
Our Virology team has grown significantly over the past few years and is increasingly gaining a local, national and international reputation for scientific excellence. Our Consultants, Clinical Scientists and Biomedical Scientists represent their professions both locally and nationally as committee members, invited lecturers and as scientific meeting organisers. We participate in all relevant aspects of the Instand, QCMD and UK NEQAS Quality Assurance Schemes and performance is of a very high standard. Virology are a UKAS accredited medical laboratory No. 8509.
Case Study: Rising to the COVID Challenge
Our dedicated team of skilled and specialised scientists ensured we responded swiftly and decisively to meet the challenges of the COVID pandemic. Sheffield Laboratory Medicine was one of the first pathology services in the UK to develop their own assay that could be utilised for PCR testing of staff and patients, approved for use by Public Health England. We are immensely proud of how we responded to the pandemic, including:
- Meeting all government targets to test 2,000 swabs a day over several days with just 24 hour’s notice;
- Setting up a COVID testing service complete with swab packs that could be used throughout the Trust and associated areas;
- Supporting local hospitals to provide COVID testing when did not have capacity
- Validating assays for use nationally such as the ‘ID Now’, presented nationally to influence testing policies;
- Achieving UKAS accreditation of both extracted and unextracted in-house PCR in addition to commercial assays on the Cepheid and Hologic Panther systems, plus COVID Ab testing;
- Rapidly training and ensuring competency of over 25 staff to improve turnaround times;
- Developing a bespoke Outbreak Management and Contact Tracing system;
- Becoming one of the first laboratories in the UK to offer both NCP and Spike serology testing and a diagnostic Covid-19 serology service for patients;
- Initiating a 24/7 service to help patient admissions and allow safe patient flow throughout hospitals;
- Contributing to DHSC’s arm length body NERVTAG.
We strived to stayed one step ahead, implementing measures to ensure service continuity was maintained. Our track record on responsiveness and contingency planning gives our service users the confidence to keep choosing Sheffield Laboratory Medicine.
Our Virology Department is split into two divisions; Serology and Molecular Virology.
Subdivided into two sections Automated Serology and General Serology. The Serology Division provides a wide range of routine and specialised diagnostic Viral and Bacterial Serology assays and also provides a regional reference service for Hepatitis and HIV diagnosis. We also provide a regional Syphilis serology reference service.
Molecular Virology
The Molecular Virology Division is divided into two sections: Chlamydia Detection and Virus Detection. The Chlamydia section provides a routine molecular diagnostic service for the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis, Gonorrhoea and Trichamonas locally and an extended chlamydia testing service. Our Virus Detection section provides a routine diagnostic virus detection service by means of molecular diagnostic techniques. The Molecular Virology division also provides a regional molecular diagnostic service for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, offering Viral Load services by random access molecular diagnostic systems and HCV Genotyping assays.
If you would like to know more about how we can help you, please contact us by telephone on 0114 271 4777 or email us at
Department Specific Tests
Anti HBs (HBsAb, anti-HBs, Hepatitis B Surface Antibody)
Aspergillus Antigen (Galactomanan)
Atypical Pneumonia Serology ( acute or convalascent )
Bordetella Serology: Whooping cough
Chlamydia pneumoniae/psittaci PCR
Chlamydia trachomatis and Gonorrhoea Screening
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG Avidity
Cytomegalovirus IgG Antibody (CMV IgG)
Epstein Barr Virus (EBNA IgG EBV Immunity)
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Acute Antibody Screen (EBV IgM)
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Immunity Screen (EBV IgG)
Epstein Barr Virus CA IgG (EBV CA IgG) (EB VCA IgG)
Epstein Barr Virus CA IgM (EBVCA IgM) (EB VCA IgM, EBV IgM)
Erlichia Serology (anaplasma phagcytophilum)
Galactomannan antigen / Asp Ag
Hepatitis A IgM ( HAV IgM, Hep A IgM )
Hepatitis A Total Antibody (HAV AB, HAV IgG)
Hepatitis B core Antibody (HBc Ab)
Hepatitis B core IgM (HBc IgM)
Hepatitis B DNA (HBV Viral load, Hepatitis B viral load)
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg, Hep B Screen)
Hepatitis C PCR / HCV Viral Load
Herpes Simplex Type Specific Serology
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza ( HPAI ) ( Avian Flu ) ( H5N1 )
HIV Screen (HIV1 HIV2, HIV Ag/Ab)
HIV Therapeuttic Drug Monitoring
HSV Immunity (HSV IgG Herpes Simplex Virus Serology)
Japanese B encephalitis Serology
Lyme Disease Serology (Borrelia Serology)
Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome PCR (MERS)
Norovirus PCR (Norwalk Like Virus)
Pneumocystic jirovecii PCR (PJP / PCP)
Respiratory Sincytial Virus (RSV) Antigen Detection
Rochilimea Serology (Bartonella)
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Serology
Rubella Antibody Screen (Rubella Igg Rubella Immunity)
St Louis encephalitis Serology
Syphilis Confirmation (VDRL, Syphilis Ab)
Syphilis Screen (Treponemal Screen)
Toxoplasma antibody testing (Toxoplasma Serology)
Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) TMA screening
Varicella Zoaster IgG confirmation (VZV IgG confirmation)
Varicella Zoster IgG (VZV IgG)
Viral Hepatitis Assess vaccine need (ICE)
Viral Hepatitis Assess vaccine response (ICE)
Viral Hepatitis New Hep B referral (ICE)
Viral Hepatitis Past infections screen (ICE)