
Leading edge pathology conducted by a dedicated team of highly trained, skilled and specialised scientists


The Sheffield Toxicology Service has over 25 years of experience in providing coronial post-mortem toxicology investigations.  Our well-established team co-ordinates the delivery of toxicology services through a customer-centric approach, providing value for money, timely and transparent post-mortem and clinical toxicological services.

We provide expert advice on all aspects of post-mortem toxicology; in sample collection, analysis and result interpretation, to HM Coroners across England.   We also provide medico-legal toxicology services for a variety of clients. Our strong relationships mean we are able to assist in co-ordinating timely and essential investigations to meet the individual needs of all of our clients.

We keep abreast of emerging trends in substance misuse through our work with Substance Misuse Services, our liaison with drugs and alcohol teams, mental health services and our extensive professional networks of toxicologists both in the UK and abroad. This allows us to stay at the forefront of toxicology in the UK.

We have invested in a state of the art High-Resolution Accurate-Mass Spectrometer (HRMS), which gives unrivalled capability for the detection of toxicology relevant compounds, particularly for novel compounds.  The HRMS provides the capability to add to our repertoire as new illegal and prescribed drugs become available to the general public.  Finally, it also allows rapid screening and measurement of key drugs, delivering results swiftly that our clients can trust.

If you would like to know more about how we can help you, please contact us by telephone on 0114 226 7240 or email us at