CMV IgM (cytomegalovirus IgM)




Symptomatic patient Assay also done as part of acute hepatitis screen

Sample Type

Clotted Blood ( Yellow top )

Reference Range

Not applicable

Turnaround Time

Within 5 days

Testing Frequency

Every workday

External Notes

Positive results get additional tests ( eg CMV IgG ) which delays the turnaround times. Please note this assay is usually requested as part of a panel of tests. The TRT is dependant upon the completion of the last test in the panel.

Patient Preparation


See Also

CMV IgG and CMV avidity

Please note: the above information is subject to change and we endeavour to keep this website up to date wherever necessary.

Your contact for this test


Leeanne Tovey BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science, MSc Medical Microbiology

Laboratory Manager - Microbiology & Virology

You are enquiring about

CMV IgM (cytomegalovirus IgM)