Cardiac Muscle Antibodies
Cardiac muscle antibodies are described in patients with Dressler's syndrome after myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis and in patients who have undergone cardiac surgery or have had rheumatic fever. They can be directed towards a number of antigens such as adenine nucleotide translocator protein, cardiac myosin and tropomysin. The presence of antibodies can occur without the Dressler syndrome.
Dressler's syndrome, post-MI.
Sample Type
2mL Serum (Gel 5mL Yellow tube). Requests from outside Sheffield: Transport at ambient temperature via Royal Mail or Courier.
Reference Range
Normal result = Negative.
Turnaround Time
Within 10 days
Testing Frequency
Jahns R, Boivin V, Schwarzbach V et al. Pathological autoantibodies in cardiomyopathy. Autoimmunity. 2008. 41(6):454-461. [Ref 1]
Okasaki T, Honjo T. Pathogenic roles of cardiac autoantibodies in dilated cardiomyopathy. Trends Mol Med. 2005. 11(7):322-326. [Ref 2]
Caforio AL, Daliento L, Angelini A et al. Autoimmune myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy: focus on cardiac autoantibodies. Lupus. 2005. 14(9):652-655.
See Also
Skeletal muscle
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Your contact for this test

Clare Del-Duca BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science, MSc Pathological Science
Laboratory Manager - Immunology and Protein Reference Unit
You are enquiring about
Cardiac Muscle Antibodies