
Clinical Chemistry



Lamotrigine theraepeutic drug monitoring (TDM) has several indications including assessment of the adequacey of a dose, avoidance of toxicity, investigation of suspected malabsorption, and assessment of adherence.

Sample Type

Serum (SST/gel) or plasma (lithium heparin) 1 mL minimum. Serum/plasma should be aliquotted immediately following centrifugation of sample tubes containg separator gels.

Reference Range

Reference ranges are provided on the report. Alternatively, please contact the laboratory for current ranges.

Turnaround Time

Within 8 days

Testing Frequency


External Notes

Proprietary name Lamictal

Patient Preparation

Timing of sample is not critical where steady state is achieved but pre-dose (trough) sample preferable.

Please note: the above information is subject to change and we endeavour to keep this website up to date wherever necessary.

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