Neuronal Blot (Amphiphysin, CV2.1, PNMA2 [Ma2/Ta], RI, YO, HU)
The neuronal blot is used as a confirmatory mechanism for the presence of the antigens if the primary method of detection ( immunofluorescence ) indicates a possible positive result for Yo or Hu antibodies. It can also be used for the investigation of amphiphysin, CV2.1, Ri and Ma2/Ta. � Yo antibodies may be observed in patients with subacute or paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration as a complication of gynaecological cancer or Hodgkin's disease. � Hu antibodies are associated with paraneoplasic syndrome in patients with small cell lung carcinoma. � Ri antibodies may be found in the serum of patients with paraneoplastic syndromes associated with breast cancer. � Amphiphysin may be observed in paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis associated with small cell lung carcinoma or breast cancer. � CV2.1 may be seen in patients with paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration, paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis or Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, associated with small cell lung carcinoma, thymoma or sarcoma. � Ma2/Ta may be associated with brain-stem/limbic encephalitis associated with testicular germ cell cancer or breast cancer.
For the confirmation of autoantibodies previously detected by IIF against neuronal antigens ( Amphiphysin, CV2.1, PNMA2 [Ma2/Ta], Ri, Yo, and Hu ).
Sample Type
2mL Serum ( Gel 5mL Yellow tube ) or 2mL Plasma ( EDTA, heparin or citrate ). Requests from outside Sheffield: Transport at ambient temperature via Royal Mail or Courier.
Reference Range
A normal result is negative.
Turnaround Time
Within 10 days
Testing Frequency
Toothaker TB, Rubin M. Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes: a review. Neurologist. 2009. 15( 1 ):21-33.
Vedeler CA, et al. Management of paraneoplastic neurological syndromes: report of an EFNS task force. European Journal of Neurology. 2006. 13:682-690
Benyahia B, et al. Paraneoplastic antineuronal antibodies in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases. Journal of Neuro-oncology. 2003. 62( 3 ):349-351.
Darnell RB, Posner JB. Paraneoplastic syndromes involving the nervous syndrome. New England Journal of Medicine. 2003. 349( 16 ):1543-1554.
Greenlee JE, et al. Antibody types and IgG subclasses in paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2001. 184( 2 ):131-137.
Bradwell AR. Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes associated with Yo, Hu and Ri antibodies. Clin Rev Allergy Imm. 2000. 19( 1 ):19-29.
See Also
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Your contact for this test

Clare Del-Duca BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science, MSc Pathological Science
Laboratory Manager - Immunology and Protein Reference Unit
You are enquiring about
Neuronal Blot (Amphiphysin, CV2.1, PNMA2 [Ma2/Ta], RI, YO, HU)