Ryan Colwell BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science, MSc Biomedical Sciences
Laboratory Manager – Blood Sciences (Royal Hallamshire Hospital)
Ryan began his career in a Hospital NHS Laboratory as a part-time Medical Laboratory Assistant (MLA) at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (BHNFT) in 2007 and has progressed through all grade levels to become Laboratory Manager at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals in 2022. Before specialising in Blood Transfusion, Ryan began training in the Biochemistry Laboratory as a trainee Biomedical Scientist (BMS) in 2011.
Shortly before Ryan was about to complete training a switch to Haematology and Transfusion was made due to staffing issues in the department. He completed Haematology training in 2012 and was added to the Out of Hours (OOH) rota becoming a registered BMS. In 2013 Ryan completed Biochemistry training and was the first cross-trained BMS in the Blood Sciences Department at BHNFT. Ryan participated in Biochemistry OOH shifts as and when required whilst predominantly being part of the Haematology OOH rota.
Ryan became Acting Senior BMS in Blood Transfusion in 2015 and then shared the role with Haematology; acting additionally as Senior BMS in 2017 at BHNFT. He had a short stint as Deputy Blood Bank Manager at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust (TRFT) in 2018 before returning to BHNFT as Blood Transfusion Manager in 2019. Whilst working as Lead BMS for Blood Transfusion, Ryan gained invaluable experience in management, not only in Laboratory Medicine, but in external departments within an NHS Trust: working closely with Patient Safety, Clinical Governance and Trust Operations.
Ryan actively encourages the personal and professional development of all laboratory staff and is passionate about providing the best possible Laboratory Services for NHS patients.
Ryan can be contacted as follows:
Tel: 0114 226 7666