Tests A-Z
Leading edge pathology conducted by a dedicated team of highly trained, skilled and specialised scientists
Tests A-Z
We provide a repertoire of over 650 routine and specialist laboratory tests to support the diagnosis and treatment of patients in all settings. Our state-of-the-art laboratory provides leading edge diagnostic services conducted by highly trained, skilled and specialised scientific staff. All of our laboratory tests where appropriate are UKAS accredited to international standards (ISO15189:2012) which specifies essential quality management system requirements. We pride ourselves in delivering the most technologically advanced and accurate test results within a rapid timeframe.
Pemphigoid and Pemphigus Antibodies. Skin Antibodies.
Phospholipase A2 Antibody (PLA2R) Antiphospholipase A2 Antibody MPLA2R
Phytosterols ( inc. sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol )
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase (PLAP)
Pneumococcal Antibodies (Functional Antibodies)
Pneumocystic jirovecii PCR (PJP / PCP)
PNH Screen and High Resolution Assay
Porphobilinogen (PBG) in Urine: Acute Porphyria
Precipitins, Avian (Budgie, Pigeon)
Precipitins, Farmers Lung / Micropolysporum / Thermoactinomyces
Primary Immunodeficiency (PID) Panel
Procollagen Type III Peptide, P3NP
Protein (urine):- Protein:creatinine ratio (PCR) or 24 hour urine protein
Protein C (PC) Chromogenic Assay
Prothrombin 20210A Allele (PT20210A)